90s Fresh Jive vintage ringer T-shirt
(税込) 送料込み
90年代(90s)や80年代(80s)、70年代(70s)の古着、ユーズド(used)やヴィンテージ(vintage、ビンテージ)を展開。levi"s、dickies、carhartt、champion、ralph lauren、gap、banana republic、l.l. bean、eddie bauer、patagonia、columbiaなどのアメカジや山岳系ブランドを中心に、rap tee(ラップT)やストリートやスケーター系、オールドスケート(old skate)などの商品を扱っております。ボディはgildanやHanes、anvil、oneita、all sport、bayclub、polygram、giantなどがメイン。又、supreme(シュプリーム)、palace skateboard(パレススケートボード)、stussy(ステューシー)からonly ny、HUFなどのスケーターブランドも好んでおります。昔ながらのNIKE ACGやpolo sportなどや、off whiteやblack eye patch、10匣(tenbox)、fear of godなどにも注目。スニーカー類ではNIKE(ナイキ)やVANS(バンズ)、CONVERSE(コンバース)が中心で、ローカットの物が主です。kandytownや舐達麻、rykey、kohhが好む服や2pacやthe notorious b.i.g.(big)、Dr Dre、eminemなどの90年代HIPHOPも勿論のこと、Kanye WestやTravis Scott、nirvanaのkurt cobain、marilyn mansonなどのファッションもあります。商品の情報
カテゴリー | メンズ > トップス > Tシャツ/カットソー(半袖/袖なし) |
商品のサイズ | L |
ブランド | ヘインズ |
商品の状態 | やや傷や汚れあり |

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt Men's Small - Etsy

Vintage 90s Freshjive Ringer T-Shirt IYKYK 😏.... - Depop

Vintage 90s Fresh Jive T-shirt Lowrider 64 Impala Hip Hop Rap
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Freshjive Rare! Vintage 90s FRESHJIVE spellout ringer t shirt

Rare Vintage FRESHJIVE Honeycomb Hideout Treehouse Single

Freshjive Tee - Etsy

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt - Men's Small, Women's Medium

Rare Vintage FRESHJIVE Honeycomb Hideout Treehouse Single Stitched T Shirt 90s

Freshjive Tee - Etsy

MAJOR MAJOR ISO!!!! Does any one have this... - Depop

Vintage 90s FreshJive Skater Streetwear T-Shirt Sz M/L Single Stitch

Vintage 90s Freshjive Ringer T-Shirt IYKYK 😏.... - Depop

Vintage Freshjive
FRESHJIVE Vintage Los Angeles Lakers T-Shirt 90's Size (L) Large Cease & Desist

90s Fresh Jive - Etsy

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt - Men's Small, Women's

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt - Men's Small, Women's Medium

Vintage 90s Fresh Jive T-shirt Lowrider 64 Impala Hip Hop Rap

Vintage 90s Jimi Hendrix FreshJive Skateboard Ringer... - Depop

Vintage 90s FreshJive Skater Streetwear T-Shirt Sz M/L Single Stitch

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt - Men's Small, Women's Medium

Vintage 90's Freshjive T-Shirt Large – Subtle Flex Streetwear

Vintage Fresh Jive Shirt - Men's Longsleeve with Roll… - Gem

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt Men's Small - Etsy

vintage fast times at ridgemont high movie ringer t-shirt

90s Freshjive Skater Streetwear T Shirt - Men's Small, Women's Medium

90s Freshjive - Etsy

Freshjive T-Shirts for Men | Mercari

Freshjive vintage vintage 90s - Gem

Vintage 90s Volcano Oulset eric Cantona Streetwear - Etsy

Vintage 90's Freshjive Dynamite Mail T-Shirt – CobbleStore Vintage

Freshjive T-Shirts for Men | Mercari

Freshjive - Etsy UK

Freshjive vintage vintage 90s - Gem

FRESHJIVE Vintage Los Angeles Lakers T-Shirt 90's Size (L) Large Cease & Desist

Vintage 90's Freshjive Dynamite Mail T-Shirt – CobbleStore Vintage
Vintage Vtg 90s Freshjive spellout ringer skate shirt | Grailed

90s Freshjive - Etsy

Freshjive T-Shirts for Men | Mercari
